Are you worried about abdominal fat?
If yes, there is a solution to this problem. The abdominal fat is the result of some unhealthy life style. Those people who intake a lot of fat without making use of them, or not burning them on time, will have pot bellies, as the excess fat gets accumulated in the abdominal area. A sedentary life-style is the root cause of this physical condition. It is not a disease. But it is a symptom of some other critical illnesses like, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes and many more.
Here I would like to put forward two solutions. One is changing the life style. Have some physical exercise everyday at least for half an hour. Some aerobatic exercise of just 15 minutes will have a dramatic effect on your body. If you can’t afford to that try to jog for at leaf half an hour. If you can’t do that outdoors do it inside your room. Or some yoga would also make a great difference in your physical well being.
The second solution to the problem is healthy eating. Develop a habit of eating less. Don’t try to fill your stomach full. Leave some space of your stomach empty. Only one quarter of your stomach must be filled with solid food. The rest can be filled with water and other liquids. Eat leafy vegetables. Eat fruits. Eat fish instead of red meat. Take little salt. Avoid using fried dishes. Stop taking fast foods. Fizzy drinks will increase the sugar content of your blood. So avoid them. Try to consume more homemade food. Eat with patience. Chew properly. Never have food in a hurry. Avoid sitting in a particular posture for a long time.
This is my conclusion:
Pot belly is not an invincible enemy but conquerable and vulnerable to a man with healthy habits and life- style.
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