Ill effects of a sedentary life style
The world has become a global village. Everything is accessible at the click of a mouse. The distance between continents is lessened. The word has become faster and swifter. But the mind has become slower and less vigilant. For instance, numerical calculations are carried out by computers and calculators. The human mind is seldom used for that. As a result, simple calculations such as additions, subtractions and multiplications are forgotten. We are mechanized. Overdependence on such gadgets is a curse than a boon.
The physical movements are minimized. Some people try to compensate it with regular visit to the gym and such fitness centers. But are they effective? If the Darwinian Theory is correct, the organs we don’t use may become insignificant and consequently may become inactive, dead or lost. Thus reasoning power gets lost. Body becomes weak and fragile as movements are substantially reduced. The effect of such a life style is physical conditions like, high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity, and diabetics. Our muscles are loosened as they are not often utilized. Our bones become weak as they are not used.
Therefore, it‘s high time that we go back to our natural way of living where most of the activities are done manually which strengthen our body. A weak and sick generation is in the making. Thanks to the great leaps of man in telecommunication, technology and industry! If it’s not checked it would eventually ruin the entire mankind. Hospitals would mushroom and that industry will be the most profit making one in future. Other epidemics also would increase. It is very likely that Robots and machines would witness the extinction of mankind in a century or two. It’s not just an exaggeration but a naked reality. I hope man would realize this forthcoming and danger and act promptly to rescue him from this danger. The bottom line is it’s not yet too late, there is ample time left to act judiciously. Awake and act.
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