Saturday, March 12, 2011

prayer a close view


Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth

In his book, How to Meditate, Lawrence LeShan tells a revealing story. For years an old Monk prayed for a vision from God, but he was not granted it. He was on the verge of giving up, when, one day, a vision did appear. He was thrilled. But then, his joy was short-lived. Right in the middle of the vision, the monastery bell rang to say it was time to feed the poor people who usually gathered in front of the monastery every day. The monk was in a terrible dilemma: should he stay on and enjoy the vision or answer the call of duty? He knew that if he delayed going out, the people would understand that there was no food in the monastery for them that day, and would depart. The monk was quick to decide. Before the bell stopped ringing he was on his way to offer food to the poor. After about an hour when he returned to his cell and opened the door, he was surprised to find the vision still there. The monk fell on his knees in gratitude. Then the vision said to him: "My son, had you not gone off to feed the poor, I would not have sta

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